Mental foramen

Present below the interval between the premolar teeth.

Mylohyoid ridge/line (Present on outer surface of body)

Extends obliquely from below the third molar to median area below the genial tubercles

Mylohyoid groove (Present on ramus)

Extends on to the body below the posterior end of mylohyoid line


  • The submandibular fossa is present below the mylohyoid line or ridge and it lodges submandibular gland.
  • The lingual fossa is present above the mylohyoid ridge and it lodges sublingual gland.
  • Infection from mandibular 2nd and 3rd molars spread to submandibular space as their root apices lie below the mylohyoid line.
  • Infection from mandibular premolars and 1st molar involve the lingual space as their root apices lie above the mylohyoid line.
  • The mandibular torus is commonly present above the mylohyoid line.
  • The inferior alveolar nerve is closely related to posterior end of mylohyoid ridge while the lingual nerve is closely related to mylohyoid groove. 

Genial tubercles 

four small elevations near symphysis menti. The upper genial tubercles give origin to genioglossus and the lower tubercle

to the geniohyoid

Digastric fossa

The anterior belly of digastric arises from digastric fossa

Note: The posterior belly of digastric arises from mastoid notch.

Mandibular or sigmoid notch

Masseteric nerve and vessels pass through mandibular the notch


Tongue shaped projection near anterior margin of mandibular foramen.

Gives attachment to sphenomandibular ligament

Incisive fossa

Gives origin to mentalis

Mental foramen

Mental foramen transmits the mental nerve and vessels

Mandibular foramen

Inferior alveolar nerve and vessels enters the mandibular canal through the mandibular foramen

Pterygoid fovea

A depression in the anterior surface of neck of condylar process.

It gives attachment to a lateral pterygoid muscle.