Functions of insulin

Consequence of insulin deficiency 

1. Increase activity of glycolytic enzymes

1. Activity of glycolytic enzymes

2. Decreases activity of gluconeogenic enzymes

2. Activity of gluconeogenic enzymes increases

3. Increases glycogen synthesis

3. Glycogen break down into glucose

4. Increases uptake of glucose by skeletal and cardiac muscle

4. Decreases glucose transport into skeletal and cardiac muscle.

5. Decreases blood glucose level

5. Increase in blood glucose level

6. Increases lipid synthesis

6. Lipolysis and ketogenesis

7. Increases transmembrane K transport

7. decrease in movement of K+ intracellularly

8. Decreases cyclic AMP level in adipose tissue and liver

8. Increased cyclic AMP levels in adipose tissue and liver

9. Enhances tissue uptake of amino acids and accelerates protein synthesis

9. Decreased tissue uptake of amino acids and reduced protein synthesis.