1. Cell drinking, an active process which carries is the unit membrane is also called as [Pinocytosis]
2. Proteins enter the cell by the process called as [Pinocytosis]
3. The basic structural unit for electromyography is [Motor unit]
4. The neurotransmitter released at motor end plate is [Acetylcholine]
5. The synaptic delay during impulse transmission in a nerve is [0.5 milli seconds]
6. Time required to stimulate nerve with twice rheobase voltage is called as [Chronaxie]
7. Maximum frequency of effective nerve stimulation is limited by the strength of [Chronaxie]
8. The resting membrane potential of a nerve membrane is on [-70 to -90 mv]
9. Chemical gradient across cell membrane is mainly maintained by [K+]
10. Resting nerve membrane is [50-100 times] more permeable to K+ than to Na+.
11. In a motor neuron the equilibrium potentials for Na+, Cl- and K+ ions is [+60, -90, -70 mv]
12. Cell to cell conduction is not possible in [Skeletal] type of muscle.
13. High resistance to passive stretch of a muscle is called as [Contracture]
14. The protein to which calcium ion binds
in the muscle fibre to trigger contraction is [Troponin]
15. The sensory organs concerned with the maintenance of skeletal muscle tonus are [Muscle spindles]
16. Gag reflex is mediated by [9th cranial nerve]
17. Percentage of sensory fibres in pure motor nerve is [40% percent]
18. Resting membrane potential of nerve is equal to equilibrium potential of [Chloride ion]
19. Normal amount of CSF in man is [150 cc]
20. Visio-sensory centre of brain is [Occipital lobe]
21. Vomiting centre is [Medulla oblongata]
22. Respiration centre in brain is [Medulla oblongata]
23. Wallerian degeneration of ruptured nerve starts in [6 hours]
24. First relay station of pain is [Spinal cord]
25. Main relay station of pain is [Parietal lobes and precentral gyrus]
26. Spinothalamic tract is concerned with [Pain and temperature] sensations.
27. Important reflex centre of autonomous nervous system is [Hypothalamus]
28. Neurotransmitter to adrenal medulla and skeletal muscles is [Acetylcholine]
29. Neurotransmitter useful in treatment of parkinsonism is [Levodopa]
30. Appetite and thirst centre in brain is [Hypothalamus]
31. Temperature control centre is [Hypothalamus]
32. Vomiting centre is [Medulla oblongata]
33. The final catecholamine formed in the
biosynthesis of catecholamines is [Epinephrine]
34. Catecholamines are formed from [Phenylalanine] amino acid.
35. Coordination of voluntary movements and balance of the body are under the control of [Cerebellum] part of brain.
36. Simple reflex action is under the control of [Spinal cord] part of CNS.
37. Majority of the post-ganglionic sympathetic fibres secrete [Nor-adrenaline] transmitter.
38. Visual area of brain is [area 17 and 18 of occipital lobe]
39. Number of pairs of spinal nerves is [31 pairs]
40. Speech area is [Wernicke's area of temporal lobe]
41. Speech learning area is broca’s area. [Area 44 and 45 (or) frontal lobe]
42. Normal pH of blood is [7.3 to 7.5]
43. Sp. gravity of blood is [1.053 -1.057]
44. Blood minus cellular elements is called as [Plasma]
45. Plasma minus fibrinogen and other clotting factors is called as [Serum]
46. Total blood volume is [18%] of body weight.
47. Life span of RBC is [120 days]
48. Life span of RBC in neonates [100 days]
49. Life span of RBC in stored blood [60 days]
50. Average size of RBC is [7 microns]
51. Universal donor [0 – negative]
52. Universal recipient [AB blood group]
53. Screening test for haemophilia is [Partial thromboplastin time]
54. The osmotic strength of human plasma is [290 mols/litre]
55. The cells of blood which have longest life span [RBC]
56. Commonly used preservative for blood is [Sodium citrate]
57. Life span of lymphocyte is [3-4 days]
58. Life span of platelets is [90 days]
59. The amount of haemoglobin that is removed and replaced daily is [5-7 grams]
60. Serotonin and adenosine diphosphate are released from [Platelets] during haemostasis.
61. Reduction of RBC below normal is [Anaemia]
62. Increase of RBC above physiological normal is called as [Polycythaemia]
63. The most potent stimulus for RBC production is percent [Hypoxia]
64. Compensatory mechanism occurs when blood loss is not below [30 percent]
65. Ideal temperature for storage of blood is [4 degrees centigrade]
66. Stored blood should be used within weeks [3 weeks]
67. Most common blood group in India [O - positive]
68. Most common blood group in the world [B - positive]
69. Iron form in bone marrow is [Transferrin]
70.Percentage of blood that is made up of RBC is called as [Haematocrit] value.
71.The total daily volume of GIT secretion is [7000 mL]
72. The amount of gastric secretion per day is [2000 mL] on average.
73. Hydrochloric acid is secreted by [Parietal
74. Intrinsic factor of castle is secreted by [Parietal cells of stomach]
75. Pepsin is secreted by [Chief cells] of stomach.
76. The hormone which stimulates pancreatic secretion is [Cholecystokinin]
77. The pH of pancreatic juice is [8]
78. The pH of bile is [7]
79. The pH of gastric juice is [0.9 to 11]
80. The hormone which stimulates gastric secretion is [Gastrin]
81. Alpha amylase (or) ptyalin is secreted by [Parotid gland]
82. The only sugar absorbed in intestine against concentration gradient is [Glucose]
83. The GIT hormone while helps in protein digestion [Gastrin]
84. Hormone which stimulates the secretion of pancreatic digestive enzymes is [Secretin]
85. Gall bladder is contracted by the hormone [Cholecystokinin]
86. Water is mainly absorbed from [large intestine] part of GIT.
87. Glucose is mainly absorbed in [Small intestine] part of GIT by active transport.
88. Transport form of Iron is [Transferrin]
89. Storage form of Iron is [Haemosiderin and ferritin]
90. The normal volume of airways in adult man is [150 cc]
91. The dead space is approximately equal to [150 cc]
92. Oxygen dissociation curve is [S - Shaped]
93. Functional residual capacity in man is [2.2 Litres]
94. Diffusion capacity of carbon dioxide is [20] times that of oxygen.
95. Surfactant is secreted by [Pneumocyte-II] cells.
96. The number of ferrous atoms in haemoglobin molecule is [Four]
97. The number of oxygen molecules carried by Hb molecule [Four]
98. The ratio of physiological and anatomical dead space in normal individual is [1:1]
99. Oxygen content of saturated blood is [19.4 mL/100 mL or 97%]
100. Haemoglobin has [20 times] affinity
for carbon monoxide than oxygen.
101 Maximum voluntary ventilation is [125-170 Litres/min]
102. Normal ventilation in adult is [6 Litres/min]
103. Respiratory minute volume in a normal person is [6.0 L/min]
104. Average tidal volume is [500 ml/breathe]
105. Vital capacity of man is percent of total lung capacity [80% (or) 3500 ml]
106. Anatomical dead space is mL [150-250 ml]
107. 1 gm of haemoglobin carries [1.34 cc] of oxygen.
108. Maximum amount of O2 that can be carried by 100 mL of blood is [19.6 cc]
109. Percentage of haemoglobin saturation with oxygen in arterial blood of normal individuals is [98%]
110. The amount of oxygen consumed by a normal adult per minute [250 mL]
111. The normal CO2, concentration in alveolar air is [5.5%]
112. The normal respiratory rhythm is controlled by [Hering-Breuer reflex]
113. Average difference between the O2 content of arterial and venous blood is [5 volumes percent]
114. Cyanosis results if arterial oxygen saturation falls below [70%]
115. Ratio of CO2 consumed/O2 produced is called as [Respiratory quotient]
116. Important buffer in plasma is [Bicarbonate carbonic acid]
117. Percentage of total blood volume in aorta is [2%]
118. Percentage of total blood volume in arteries [8%]
119. Percentage of total volume in arterioles is [1%]
120. Percentage of total blood volume in venous system is [60% or 3000 cc]
121. Percentage of blood volume in arterial system is [15% (or) 750 cc]
122. Percentage of total blood volume in capillaries [5%]
123. Fuel used by resting heart is [Free fatty acid]
124. Duration of cardiac cycle in man is [0.8 seconds]
125. The middle one third of ventricular diastole is called as [Diastasis]
126. The last one-third of ventricular systole is called as [Protodiastole]
127. In the adults, average stroke volume is [60-70cc]
128. The muscles which prevent bulging of
atrioventricular valves is called as [Papillary muscles and chordae tendineae]
129. Under resting condition, the cardiac output
is [5.25 litres/min]
130. Which chamber of the heart is called
waiting chamber or receiving or chamber [Right atria]
131. Pace-maker in heart is [S-A-node]
132. First chamber to contract is [First
133. The widest range of pressure in
cardiac cycle is found in the [Left ventricular] part of heart from [Zero to
121 mm]
134. Any substance which increases heart
rate (rate of contraction) is said to have [Positive chronotropic] effect.
135. Any substance which increases force of
contraction and cardiac output is said to have [Positive ionotropic] effect.
136. The tongue-heart interval of blood circulation
is approximately seconds [12-15 seconds]
137. Work done by heart/day is [75000-foot
138. Work done by heart/strokes is [95 gm/meter]
139. Normal QRS interval is [0.08 to 1 sec]
140. Normal resting membrane potential is [-80
to -90 mV]
141. First heart sound is best heard at intercostal
space [5th intercoastal]
142. Second heart sound is best heard at intercostal
space [2nd intercoastal]
143. Duration of systole and diastole is [0.3
and 0.5 sec]
144. Sp. gravity of urine is [1.015
145. Normal output of urine is [1.5 litres]
146. Renal blood flow per minute in
(mL/min) is [1250]
147. Effective renal blood flow in mL/min is [625 mL/min]
148. Counter current multiplier system is
present in organ [Kidney and Crypts of gastric sub mucosa]
149. Quantity of water lost in faeces/day is [150 cc]
150. Quantity of water lost as sweat per day [600-800 cc]
151. In a normal adult male, the desire for micturition is feet when [300-400 cc] collected in bladder c of urine is
152. The maximum amount of substance that can be transported in one minute by the kidney tubular is called [Tubular maximum/Tm]
153. The volume of plasma needed each minute to supply a substance at the rate at which it is excreted is called as [Renal clearance]
154. Renal clearance is approximately [20-25%]
of plasma filtration.
155. The ion in tissue fluids which is of
great importance in retaining water is [Sodium ion]
156. Growth hormone inhibiting hormone is
also called as [Somatostatin]
157. Growth hormone releasing hormone is
also called as [Somatocrinin]
158. Substance stimulated by hormone which
results in growth of tissues is [Somatomedin]
159. The hormone secreted by supraoptic
nuclei of hypothalamus [ADH]
160. The hormone secreted by
paraventricular cells of hypothalamus [Oxytocin]
161. Milk ejection reflex is mediated by
the hormone [Oxytocin]
162. Uterine muscle contraction during
labour is mediated by [Oxytocin]
163. Melatonin is secreted by gland [Pineal
164. Calcitonin is produced by gland [Thyroid
165. Hormone which increase sodium
reabsorption is [Aldosterone]
166. Pheochromocytoma, secrete excess of [Epinephrine]
167. Leydig cells are stimulated by [LH] hormone.
168. Leydig cells of testis secrete hormone
169. Sertoli cells and testis secrete [Estrogens]
170. The hormone which is responsible for
secondary sexual characters and accessory sex organs in males is [Testosterone]
171. The hormone which is responsible for
secondary sexual characters and accessory organs in females is [Oestrogen]
172. The hormone which is called gameto-kinetic
factor is [FSH]
173. Rhodopsin is most sensitive to [Green light]
174. Rhodopsin is least sensitive to [Read
175. The optical power of normal eye is [60 Dioptres]
176. The normal serum calcium level is [9-12 mg]
177. The normal serum phosphorus level is [3-5 mg/ 100 ml]
178. The normal fasting blood sugar level is [90 mg]
179. RQ of carbohydrates is [1]
180. RQ of fats is [0.70]
181. RQ of protein is [0.8]
182. Sodium bicarbonate/carbonic acid ratio in plasma is [20:1]
183. Erythropoietin is secreted by [Kidney]
184. The organ chiefly responsible for control of pH of blood is [Kidney]