Some Properties and Major Functions of Plasma Proteins

Plasma protein components

Major functions

Total proteins

Nutritive, transport, osmotic pressure: buffer, defence, blood coagulation.

1. Pre - albumin


Transport of some thyroxine.

Nutritive, transport, osmotic, buffer

2. Total globulins


alpha 1 - globulins


(Inhibitor of trypsin)

alpha1 - lipoproteins (HDL)

Transport of phospholipids and cholesterol.

Thyroxine binding globulin

Binds and transports thyroid hormones

alpha 2 - globulins

alpha2- glycoproteins


alpha2- macroglobulin

antiplasmin and anti-trypsin activity.


Binds free haemoglobin and prevents its excretion: peroxidase action.


Forms thrombin during blood coagulation


Copper transport. Oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+

Beta -globulins

beta-1 Lipoproteins (LDL) (d 0.98 -1.03)

Transports triglycerides, cholesterol, and Phospholipids.

3. Transferrin (siderophilin)

Transport of Fe3+

4. Plasminogen (Profibrinolysin)

Forms plasmin for fibrinolysis

5. Fibrinogen

Blood coagulation

6. gamma-Globulin (Immunoglobulins)

a) IgG

Antibody functions

b) IgA

Antibody functions

c) IgM

Antibody functions